Certify Your Products In 5 Steps
Application review
- Fill out the application form ;
- HALAL EXPERTISE sends a confirmation of your request and informs you about the procedure
Acceptance of the contract
- A convention between the parties is signed, which determines the contract duration, the rules to follow, the delivery mode of the Halal certificates (by badge, yearly) and the fee;
- Invoice is issued
Documentation Review
- if no remarks : next step
- if non - conformities observed in the documentation, Halal Expertise proposes to find alternatives
Provide the necessary information
- Fill out the Mastertable (pages : company information, raw materials, cleaning agents, primary packaging, lubricant H1, info for Halal certificate)
- Provide the supporting documents (Halal certificate, Halal statement or specifications) for raw materials (food additives and processing aids included), cleaning agents*, primary packaging** and lubricants H1*
*used in the production line ** primary packaging of the finished product
- For B to C products, provide a picture of the packaging of finished product (label)
- Provide the production process flow chart
- Provide an evidence of company licenses such as Business Identification Number, Industrial Business Permit, Micro and Small Business Permit, Trading Business Permit, or Certificate of Existence of Production Facilities issued by the local, regional or federal authority.
Audit (on site or remote)
- A plant audit is organized in order to evaluate the Halal production process.
- The audit report is sent within 4 days. If the certification is recommended by the auditor, the Halal certificate is issued after the review and decision processes.